Bobmanbob.com is currently under reconstruction. Good things soon!

For content updates, check the games/giveaways page, join the Steam Group or follow on Twitter. Thank you!


News/Previews: In progress!

Reviews/Giveaways Hub: Complete

New Review Format: 99% complete

New Voting System: In progress!

You've reached Bobmanbob's gaming hub.

This is a resource for anyone who wants to see more hands-on footage of the latest and greatest games (and the others!). If you don't mind getting in on a chance to win them too, you should stick around.

I'll be uploading gameplay previews and mashup videos and hosting giveaways regularly. The goal is to constantly improve on the quality and quantity of the featured games.

If you want to see Bobmanbob improve with more games, more giveaways and footage of high-spec games in 1080p 60fps, subscribe on Youtube, follow me on Google+ and Twitter(@BobmanbobGaming), join me on Steam and spread the word. Let's make this great! :)


Website Reconstruction!

Hello there members new and old! If you've been nosing around, you'll probably have noticed that the website has been lacking in updates lately. Well fear ye not, my beloved readers! There's a lot of work bubbling away under the surface here at Bobmanbob and this includes a pretty major reconstruction of the website. Front and center will be a dedicated section for browsing through all games and giveaways. More to be revealed soon, thanks for sticking around! :)


You asked for it, you got it!

Never miss a Bobmanbob event with this all-inclusive newsletter, issued a few times per month. Additional emails will be sent for flash events, as you wished!